Monday, October 11, 2010

Air Pollution in Dhaka

Air pollution in Dhaka
Dhaka is an over populated city in Bangladesh. Around 15 million people live in this city. Keep pacing with population the city was not built with proper plan. So, the city is full with various problems. Most of the city area is dirty, not enough transport system, not enough footpaths; people cannot walk in the footpath area due to illegal occupation of footpath and crossing moor in the city.
Causes of Air Pollution:-Black smoke is very harmful for public health. Used car specially expired vehicle are the main source of black smoke in Dhaka. Very old vehicles are silent killer of people in this city.
Government is failed to stop those date expired vehicle to run from the road. Corruption of traffic police, BRTA, and ministry of transport and communication are responsible for this reason
Effects of Air Pollution:- Due to dusty weather people are facing breathing problem like respiration problems, lung problem and asthma. Many peoples are dieing from asthma diseases in city area.
Like other problems air pollution is a serious problem in Bangladesh. Dusty air, scattered dustbin besides the road, unplanned housing policy, infrastructure policy, black smoke of mill factory, and vehicles are major causes of this air pollution. Most of the bus, truck, tempo, private car, taxi are unfit to run in the road.
Used car exporter and Bangladeshi used car importer has made this country as a gas chamber. They are thinking only their own profit. They are never thinking about common people’s health. They are destroying our health. They are throwing us to death.
Reduce Air Pollution:-Government’s strong feeling and willing for common people can resist this problem. It is a matter of regret that though we are passing almost forty years of our independence but no government has taken proper steps to establish automobile industry. Establishing automobile industry can assures the clean air over the country. At the same time unemployment problem will also be solved.
To protect this silent killer Government should take proper and pragmatic steps. Govt should stop to run those expired vehicle from the street. Simultaneously they should stop to import used car from other countries.
Conclusion of Air Pollution: So no more delay and no more negligence. People want free and clean air in Dhaka. They want immediate removal of used car from the city of Dhaka. If the Government can do it people will congratulate otherwise government will be criticized by the common people. The people of Bangladesh want to see new car and fresh air in the street of Dhaka.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Load Shading in Bangladesh

Load shading in Bangladesh is a serious problem at this moment. People are frustrated to see the load shading situation in the country. Electricity is a major fundamental needs among others in every body's life. This sector are fully controlled by the Government. Government are cheating with common people with this essential service. This is not a new problem for Bangladesh. Load shading has been hanging for a long time.

Electricity crisis is not a new new in Bangladesh. When Awamileague was in power in previous term this political party declared that electricity crisis will be solved soon but still now you are seeing zero result. After Hasina's tenure BNP ruled the country for two terms but this government was also failed to supply electricity properly. So from the beginning the people has been suffering this problem very seriously. No government took the proper and pragmatic steps to remove electricity crisis.

Dhaka City area people are facing this problem very seriously. Dhaka city is unplanned city. So normal wind flowing is restricted by scattered building position all over the city. Everyday Government stop electricity for at least 8-12 hours in a day. This way they are providing, managing and distributing electricity to the city area. Prime minister, minister secretary are not facing this problem. They have special arrangements for 24 hours electricity flow. So, they cannot realize the inconveniences of power shortage of common people of Dhaka city including other cities in Banglaesh.

Electricity shortages is badly effects on various sector. The problem is only for common people. Specially Dhaka dwellers are facing this problem tremendously. Without electricity they cannot sleep at night, student cannot prepare their lesson properly. So, school, college and University student, computer professionals, businessman, industrialist are most affected group from the electricity shortages in Bangladesh.

People want solution of electricity crisis immediately. If Government want sincerely to solve this problem, they can do it easily but they are playing with common people they are showing negligence in their duty and responsibilities.

Power shortage is a curse for economy. To get rid of electricity shortage Government should learn from other developing countries like Malaysia, Singapore and South Korea. People do not know what is load shading in those countries. They are getting proper service from the government. Bangladesh Government should learn from them on urgent basis to solve this power shortage problem to save our economy.

Economic growth is dependent on Power suply. Money and Manpower both are present in Bangladesh to solve electricity crisis. Due to proper culture of their brain it is not going to be solved soon. That's why people are struggling a lot for a long time. Industry and mill factories are also disrupted badly from regular production in manufacturing sector . So ultimately country is staying back to achieve its economic growth.

Electric projects should be implemented sincerely. We will expect from Government that they will implement their promise without any bribery behaviour. At the same time opposition parties should pledge and follow the present Government's policy to implement the adopted project for removing electricity crisis from the country without any interfere on the running Electric projects.

Power shortage keeps a nation back. This is a great and principal job for government and opposition parties to remove scarcity of electricity. Nobody has right to adopt any unfair means and bribery process to keep back and neglect people's life related any valuable project to implement. We hope parliament members from both govt and opposition parties will pass a new law to remove power shortage from Bangladesh soon.

Specialists in recrimination art

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Who are Responsible for Electricity Shortage in Bangladesh?

Electricity shortage is a great problem in Bangladesh. All kinds of people from various professions are badly affected due to power shortage. Computer professionals, businessmen, shop keepers, industrialists and all others are affected from this power shortage. Country’s overall economic situation has been destroyed seriously in Bangladesh.

This situation has not created in a day. From the beginning of creation of Bangladesh all elite groups, Governments planner, decision maker, Ministry of power and energy, Ministry of planning, secretaries, PDB staffs, member of parliament all of them are responsible for this present crisis. From the beginning they did not take proper plan or implement enough electricity projects.

Above mentioned departments and personnel did not care this sensitive and serious issue. They did not do their duty properly.. Obviously they have showed negligence in their duties. Definitely they are criminals and enemy of common people. We disregard and hate all of them who are responsible for this electricity crisis.

Now it is time for present government to solve this problem seriously and rapidly. Simultaneously they should think about next 100 years. They should assure about production of enough electricity for the next generation.

We are facing limitless problem. Almost 12 hours people have to live without electricity. People do not want to see this same situation for our next generation. Government, especially Member of Parliament should pass a special law in these circumstances. This electricity law will not be abandoned by other political parties. Everybody will respect those passed laws. Respected all groups and personnel will try heart and soul to implement of those electricity projects.

People are facing unlimited problems due to electricity shortages. Gradually the country is becoming poor to poorer. The country is losing it’s GDP and GNP. Bangladeshi people are very pationable. They are tolerating a lot of Governments fault but no more. People do not want to stay back like primitive age.

In this modern age electricity is a fundamental item to live on. Without electric power the world becomes paralyze. Like other sectors industrial sectors lose more. Exporter cannot fulfill their orders. Exporters lose their foreign buyers. Workers in these sectors lose their jobs. So, unemployment stands as a mysterious problem in the society.

We are criticizing all of them who are connected to creating this problem. Who did not take enough electric projects and implement those. They should ask pardon to people. From Sheikh Muzib to Sheikh Hasina and in the middle of all governments are responsible for this electric crisis. People of Bangladesh do not want to see this  kind of problem in future.

There is a ending point of this situation. When people will lose their patient, then another revolution can be occurred. People will start to take revenge from all of those culprits who are living on people’s struggle earned money but they are not respecting people’s demand and they are not doing their duties properly.

So, from now all of decision makers, scientists, implementers and all other related sectors of electricity should be alerted. From now they should take proper plans and projects. They should implement those projects without any negligence and bribery attitude.

They should strengthen their trust on God. They should love people. They should be more patriots. There is no doubt that if they can really do this Bangladesh will be self sufficient in production of electricity. We will not have any more of electricity shortage in Bangladesh.